
Fromajadas and Indigo:
The Minorcan Colony in Florida.

The Menorcan Cultural Society and History Press are proud to present Kenneth Beeson’s Fromajadas and Indigo: The Minorcan Colony in Florida. A limited number of these books are still available from the Society at $17.95 each plus shipping. All proceeds benefit the Society. If you are interested in purchasing the book contact:

Rusty Hall, President of the Menorcan Cultural Society at:


The Minorcans of Florida 1768 – 1788

Patricia Griffin’s Mullet on the Beach is available through or if you are in St. Augustine it is available at the gift shop of the Oldest House.

Floridanos, Menorcans, Cattle-Whip Crackers: Poetry of St. Augustine.
Ann Browning Masters, Floridanos, Menorcans, Cattle-Whip Crackers: Poetry of St. Augustine.  Florida Historical Society Press, 2015. This book is available at the Florida Historical Society, Oldest House Gift Shop, and on-line at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Other Links, Resources

We offer information on Menorcan history, genealogy, and other items of interest to the Menorcan community.

Florida History Online – A premier Florida history website. The Smyrnea section on the projects page is especially relevant to Menorcans. Family History – An extensive site for Menorcan genealogy.

Minorcan Pride – A great web blog from one of our members.


Smyrnea: Lost and Found, Gale Force Films, Filmaker George Sibley, 2006.
This is available in DVD format at the Oldest House gift shop and at the New Smyrna History Museum.